Our eight year lease ended on 05/31/2020.

When we signed our lease 8 years ago (pic on left), it felt like a long commitment only to now feel time passed in a blink of an eye.

We have made so many memories and achieved so many of our life goals at this location.

However, as small business owners in an unprecedented time, I would be lying if I didn’t say it is a sigh of relief.  With COVID-19 creating so much uncertainty, we have decided to use a temporary space for the time being, and will reopen to a more permanent location once life resumes back to normal (oh please let this day come soon!).

We will forever be proud of all the patients we treated and assist in their life goals.  Every patient has a story, and it is in these stories that keeps my passion for PROACTIVE healthcare alive.

Goodbye 2 West 45th Street,

Hello 119 57th Street.

Image Credits:

Featured image – Man photo created by freepik – www.freepik.com